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Gathering of Owls: Blood Pressure, The Graphic Novel

The term, 'Evolutionary Technology' simply means an innovation that improves a product in an existing market in ways that customers are expecting. And that's exactly what Gathering of Owls: Blood Pressure, The Graphic Novel does. It's like asking someone what they see when they look at a painting. Sometimes, there isn't much to decipher, while often you will have people arguing over the true meaning. Same goes for this graphic novel kindle e-book; whether you're reading it to gain knowledge or just for the heck of seeing mind- blowing pictures, this is the one to get!
       When you read this graphic novel kindle e-book, the panels form a basic framework of thought, around which flow the dialogs in text and the descriptions that make the frame move. It's like watching a motion picture where each graphic panel represents one frame in the reel and your mind is the projector, the screen and the audience.
     The voice that you hear in your head is far stronger in this graphic novel kindle e-book than the others, because you're seeing the detailed built, face and nationality of the characters as they speak. Another rather valuable difference is the way this graphic novels' author can drop subtle hints that go a long way in explaining things that are not really in line with the main story, but are important nonetheless. Small things that explain the scene in such detail can only be found in this graphic novel. This is possibly the best e-book graphic novel you can get for your kindle.

Author:  C.L. Thompson 

Illustrated : C.L. Thompson

Genre:  Historical Fiction 

Gathering of Owls: The Black Rose Group

Author:  C.L. Thompson

Genre:  Historical Fiction

     She woke this morning in what appeared to be an abandoned warehouse. She walked to one of nearby windows clad in stainless steel to see where she was. There was a landscape of huge fragments on the right, which covered the declivity with a fearful mass of ruin; the whole being wildly diversified by the trees which, though placed there by art, seem to have contended with nature to gain a footing among these inaccessible precipices. Charisma summarily turned around with a bothered expression. “How did I get here?” She said as she began to sluggishly stroll toward a massive object covered with a white tarp.
          “By this time, I thought you’ll be losing your mind child.”
    The raspy voice startled Charisma. As she looked to her left, she saw a tall thin light pallid -skinned woman in all black wearing a black suit with black sou'wester and a black cape staring right dead at her.
           “How tha hell did I get here and where am I?” Charisma said with vigorous annoyance.
           “You are on the sacred grounds of the Cynocephali people. And I need a massive amount of your DNA dear. This must be done in a special way, I would’ve taken it while you were unconscious, but you have to be awake. I could take it by force, but emotions can slightly alter your DNA. With all that said I need you to give it to me willingly or you will never leave this place child. I hope you do understand.”

Gathering of Owls: The Golden Chain of Command

Author:  C.L. Thompson

Genre:  Historical Fiction

Man’s inhumanity to man is the theme of this dynamic novel. It begins on a Virginia plantation in 1817, and ends up in modern day Africa. Against a backdrop of today’s biggest cities, the age-old institution of dealing in slavery focuses on a secret society that has survived 190 years. Gathering of Owls: The Golden Chain of Command unravels the shrouded world of the transatlantic slave trade. Once known as The Owls, this secret society is now dubbed CANA, with its tentacles reaching around the world. The time has come to unite the four branches of the organization under one leader, but will the merger take place? Gathering of Owls examines the true meaning of freedom. An action packed epic read of unparallel magnitude!

Author:  C.L. Thompson

Genre:  Historical Fiction



So(u)losophy is an exceptional method of opening individuals eyes to their own personal experiences and how to better control the outcome by using different viewpoints of teaching combined into one technique.   Some of the learning tools used in So(u)losophy are; esoteric knowledge, supreme mathematics, mythology (only as a reference) and pseudo-religious concepts.  It is a self-help guide for those who are lacking understanding of their circumstances and wish to gain an insight on how to enjoy life and limit the effects of the negative.   It will demonstrate to you how to make solid decisions that will later determine your experiences and those around you...

Authors:  Seven Sun Seven and C.L. Thompson

Illustrated: C.L. Thompson


 - Social Shifts, is a bluntly straightforward, dramatic, hinge less historic fiction. This book deals with moral or social subject matter with animated real historical characters that results in an exhibition of cross referencing there time in history with today’s modern issues.  These historical characters are lecturing their disposition and justifying their ideology.
Social Shifts forms a network structure of relations existing between different parts of data in history, and intertwining it with today’s modern social issues. The Social Shifts show points out the question of; have most ideology in history changed socially, or has it shifted or lie hidden under a subliminal surface that we don’t notice?

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